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UEMS Executive Committee

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee  of the UEMS is in charge of the day-to-day management of the UEMS and to implement the policies decided at the UEMS Council (biannual general assembly).

Prof. Vassilios Papalois, President

Professor of Transplantation Surgery and Consultant Transplant and General Surgeon at the Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK. He represents the UEMS and presides over all UEMS meetings.

Dr. João Grenho, Secretary General

Head of the General Surgery Department at Hospital da Luz Oeiras in the outskirts of Lisbon, Portugal. As Secretary general, he is the head of the UEMS-European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Dr. Marc Hermans, Officer for European & international affairs

Child & adolescent psychiatrist & psychotherapist in private practice in Mechelen, Belgium. He works to intensify the UEMS wide network contacts in the EUropean Union.

Dr. Othmar Haas, Treasurer

Pneumologist and Partner in group practice in Klagenfurt, Austria. 
He is responsible for financial management of the whole UEMS.

Enlarged Executive Committee

The Enlarged Executive Committee is composed of:

  • the Executive Committee,
  • 4 Vice-Presidents,  
  • Chairs of the 3 UEMS groupings which gather Specialists Sections, and
  • UEMS Past-Presidents



Dr. Tomas Cobo

Specialised in Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, with a medical degree from the University of Cantabria, Dr. Cobo is the current President of the Spanish General Medical Council (OMC) and Vice President of both the European Union of Medical Specialists (LEMS) and the Latin American and Caribbean Medical Confederation (CONFEMEL).

Dr. Maeve Durkan

Consultant in diabetes, endocrinology & metabolism Bon Secours Hospital & The Cork Clinic, Cork, Ireland. She is heading the CESMA for appraisal of European exams, and is involved to strengthen collaborations with the European Society of Endocrinology.

Dr. Andreas Papandroudis

Consultant ophthalmic surgeon in private practice, Didymoticho, Greece. He supervises and assists UEMS Working Groups in their functioning, and leads the Private practice issues project of the UEMS.

Prof. Paolo Ricci

Professor of Radiology and Head of Emergency Radiology Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, and AOU Policlinico Umberto 1 Hospital, Rome, Italy. He is the coordinator of the Working group 'Promoting EACCME', and is involved in implementing ETRs in European countries and in improving links with the European scientific societies

Chairs of groupings

The three chairs of groupings are elected among members of the Specialties Sections to represent them in the Enlarged Executive Committee. 

Dr. Lampros Michalis

Dr. Patrick Magennis

Prof. Thomas Griesbacher

UEMS Past Presidents

Dr Hannu Halila, Dr Zlatko Fras, Dr Leonard Harvey, Dr Romuald Krajewski, Prof. Cillian Twomey   

The Past Presidents of the UEMS may participate in the Enlarged Executive Committee, in an advisory capacity:

  • Dr Romuald Krajewski (2012-2019)
  • Dr Zlatko Fras (2006-2011)
  • Dr Hanny Halila (2002-2005)
  • Prof. Cillian Twomey (1999-2002)
  • Dr Leonard Harvey (1993-1999)