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UEMS in a nutshell

Presentation of the UEMS​

 ​UEMS Executive summary

Statutes & Rules of procedure

UEMS Statutes

The UEMS is an international non-profit organisation registered under the laws of Belgium, and with registered office located rue de l'Industrie, 24 - BE-1040 Brussels.

The legal statutes of the organisation are available:

  • in English
  • in French

The UEMS is registered at the Transparency Registry of the European Commission.

Rules of procedure

The UEMS Rules of procedure are destined to supplement and detail the organisation rules applicable to the UEMS and its internal bodies.
NB: The Rules of procedure are currently under revision following the adoption of the new statutes of the UEMS.

Rules of procedure

Internal functioning of the UEMS

The UEMS has a wide structure with many internal bodies ensuring independence, but close collaboration between its Specialists Sections, and Multidisciplinary Joint Committees. 

Here are below diagrams describing the functioning of the UEMS among its bodies at different levels:

UEMS Bodies

The diagrams are the summaries of the Explanatory notes on the functioning of UEMS Specialist Sections, Divisions, Multidisciplinary Joint Committees, European Boards and Thematic Federations. These Explanatory notes provide clarifications and details on how interpret the Statutes and Rules of Procedure with regards to the UEMS bodies.
NB: The Explanatory notes on UEMS structure are currently under revision following the adoption of the new statutes of the UEMS.

 Explanatory notes on UEMS structure

The UEMS being a complex association of diverse medical specialties in Europe, we have identified a need for some organisational consistency and transparency, and have established a means to encourage and help all UEMS bodies to keep track of their activities and to deliver them by the highest standards. For this purpose, we have set quality indicators:

UEMS Quality indicators (2024/13)

Regarding officers and representatives of the UEMS bodies, considering that the aims and missions of the UEMS require a high level of commitment, professionalism and integrity of its officeers, we have a Code of Conduct that all delegates and officers within the UEMS are expected to observe.
UEMS Code of conduct for officers of UEMS bodies

Aside, and bearing in mind the same, principles, we have set guidelines for reimbursement of traveling and accomodation expenses incurred by representatives of the UEMS in any meeting or conference.
Rules of reimbursement of travel expenses of UEMS representatives

As a matter of smooth understanding, here is the list of acronyms used within the UEMS
UEMS Acronyms

UEMS Office

Here is the organogram of the team in UEMS Brussels office: 

ETRs Procedure & rules

In view of harmonising and supporting the UEMS Specialty bodies for the writing and development of European Training Requirements, we have set a template ready to be used, and terms of reference for the ETR Committee which supervises the review of each ETR:

UEMS ETR Template
 Terms of reference from the ETR Committee

The UEMS is aware that the nature of modern medicine means it is inevitable that elements of the curricula of two specialties and competences will overlap. And, it is with this in mind that guidelines to manage overlapping competency and knowledge were written: 

 Practical approach in managing overlapping competency & knowledge in ETRs

UEMS adopted policies

 Policy Statement on Assessments during Postgraduate Medical Training (2006) 

 Ensuring the Quality of Medical Care - Budapest Declaration (2006)

 Charter on Continuing Professional Development - Basel Declaration (2001)

 Declaration on Promoting Good Medical Care (2004)

 Charter on the Visitation of Training Centres (1997)

 Charter on Quality Assurance in Specialist Practice in the EU (1996)

 Charter on Continuing Medical Education (1994)

 Charter on Specialist Training (1993)