Early childhood education and care and child poverty

The Employment Analysis and Social Analysis Units in DG EMPL prepared a Quarterly Review which provides in-depth analysis of recent labour market and social developments. In the framework of this report, a special focus on child care is made in order to enhance the need for continuous imrpvoment in child care.

Quality childcare leads to long-standing benefits for the child, according to the academic research analysed in the latest Quarterly Review. The positive impacts are strongest for the most disadvantaged children, so that quality childcare can help mitigate inequalities at an early stage. However, children from disadvantaged backgrounds have more limited access to childcare services. Across the EU, only 23% of children under three and living in poor households have access to formal childcare, as opposed to 41% of the children living in other households. Similarly, 20% of children whose mother has only lower-level education are enrolled in childcare as opposed to 40% of children with highly educated mothers.

The Recommendation on investing in children, adopted in February 2013 as part of the Social Investment Package (see IP/13/125 and MEMO/13/117) calls on Member States to intensify efforts to ensure that all families have effective access to quality early childhood education and care. This call is also reflected in the proposed 2013 Country Specific Recommendations addressed to 13 countries. Formal childcare services can only help parents enter and stay in employment if they are affordable and of good quality.

This news arises from information provided by external entities to the UEMS. The information and views set out in this news are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the UEMS. Sole responsibility for this content lies with the author(s) and the UEMS cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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